Friday, August 11, 2023

re Newport Beach Public Library (main)

I used to use the downstairs computer lab and enjoy the more comfortable chairs down, then one day dude showed up and he always sat in the same chair came every single day. And then this other lady also seemed to start showing up every day and she had her own little habits . So I started wearing a hoodie to block out the distraction of her idiosyncrasies.

Then I left for 6 months & traveled the world and upon return I come back here to do some work on the computers and what do you know: the same two characters are in the same exact spots. Like am I hallucinating?

And now these two seem to think they kind of like OWN the downstairs computer lab. IT'S A REAL DRAG. So now I have to go upstairs and try to sit on those hard wooden chairs but it's so hard with my arthritis - can't do it for very long.

Can the library do anything about these certain characters who become obsessive compulsive & sit in the same spot and then start to have an increasing sense of Entitlement ?

There's a few OC's (obsessive compulsives) )upstairs too but there's enough other people & staff to prevent them from acting like it's their "turf" ( altho a few do try) 
