Wednesday, March 27, 2024

re Pasadena Public Library-Central Library 

Believe it or not, they have a very rudimentary untied-shoes sort of creepy fellow basically living inside the condemned Library who peeks out the window to make sure nobody is sitting on the lawn. 

It seems like the orders are coming from above that they want to make sure nobody stays on or near the closed Library lawn for very long. If you walk by and take a break, sit down, rest, and  use their Wi-Fi which is still on as a free accessory ( "free" meaning tax-payer benefit) they will forcefully ( not physical force as far as I know, yet ) but without apology, & without normal social etiquette, and without even showing identification, make sure that you leave the PUBLIC premises , (PROBABLY ILLEGALLY because it is public property and the outside is not condemned).

 They are so DEATHLY AFRAID of becoming like a downtown Los Angeles homeless haven that they have orders to make sure nobody stays on the public lawn and pay a low level security guard (maybe ex-con) to stay inside the library at all times peeking out the window to enforce this (probably illegally) , even on New Year's Day the day of the famous Rose Parade when there are thousands of tourists walking to the parade and from the parade back to their cars, as well as to the Rose bowl for the football game. It is freakin CREEPY 👎👎😡👎😡