Sunday, March 29, 2015


Almost every store and fastfood joint I go to,I expect to see a chubby little latina (ie female) working behind the counter.Too often they are mediocre in any sort of social interaction,seem depressed,seem to only care about getting the customer in & out (especially out,& especially the white males,maybe white females too) with a perfunctory "Have a nice day" if at all. I'd rather not to told have a nice day if they don't really care about me at all.

What can we do about what seems to be an epidemic of Latina dropouts (Latino males are also high on the list,especially at autopart places such as Autozone et al) ?! When they dropout of school to take lifelong clerk jobs,they also are creating a lifelong "legal contract" with society,whereby our only relationship is purely legal & financial in interaction. We have no value to them apart from mere obedience to the law & to commerce.

For those of us who stayed the course,went thru highschool& college,accepted the discipline of the journey,often along with church,its depressing to be controlled to a certain extent by dropout clerks who expect us to care about them in terms of being passive,obedient customers with money,but don't accept any social obligation upon themselves in terms of making the world a better place,apart from perfunctorily saying "have a nice day".

Its NOT fair to those of us who stayed the course,accepted the discipline & education (& expense of it) needed to truly become good citizens. Dropouts are a drag on society even if they work all their lives as clerks.