Friday, October 16, 2015


WHY WORKING CLASS PEOPLE, in GENERAL, do NOT LIKE ME: Because i went to College, PLUS, because I am a Christian and live by FAITH not WORKS; whereas the average working class person is trying to be justified by works, not even good works for the sake of God, but just plain works for the sake of a check. And they convince themselves that this is a great virtue that makes them superior to those who do not do the type of work they do. That is, the only works that count in their book is the kind that can be stocking a shelf with cans of food for example; or a mechanic who can prove he did work by fixing a car. Those of us who do a LOT of work but not the kind that impresses the blue collar workers don't get any respect from them. Daily I die for Christ, I shine the light, I bring the good news to the world; I also do a lot of plain old work on the computer... 1000's even 100's of 1000's ...maybe even a million by now postings of various kinds online...all with the fundamental purpose of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Yet we can't take the time (or they wont give us the time)  to say to the blue-collar worker ..."hey take a look at what i did over the past 10years... I bet it is more than you did!. And it is MUCH MORE than they did on a basic manual labor comparison. Some people working in the legal business...non-blue collar, also, sometimes play this game. Even pastors who are up on the stage every week ...or on the radio or tv, achieve some of their "justification" by showing their "works" up in front of everybody...maybe in some cases losing sight of what really matters to God...; GOD loves good works..but not for showing off, ...; most of my good works people won't know about. Only God will know. And so I don't get any worldly credit for what i do. I have almost NOTHING to show for the good i've done in this world in my 48-years. That's why Paul said we will  be hated for the sake of the cross.


If u declare with your mouth,

"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart 

that God raised Him from the dead, 

u will be saved." 

Romans 10.9