Wednesday, January 10, 2024

College Terrace Library, Palo Alto

So I stopped in at the terrace library which I hadn't been to in a while. first thing happened was somebody parked right in front of me the wrong way facing the wrong way on the street taking my spot no apology as if there's no other spots around which they are. This isn't New York City .

Then I enter the library and there's an adult person LYING ON HIS BACK reading his phone. Comfortable?

I sit down and start working on my laptop and suddenly a guy burst in with lots of bags and stuff he sits down next to me and then he pulls out two hot smelly sandwiches he just bought at some restaurant and for some reason he said to carry him all the way to the library to eat here. 

So I look at the Palo Alto library website and it says NO FOOD OR DRINKS. Why won't they enforce this ? I mean I get it if you want to bring a bottle of water or juice or whatever -even maybe a little something to eat on the side quietly or outside. 

But this dude was CHOWING DOWN on smelly sandwiches, chewing loudly, not quietly. Furthermore, He decided to stand up from the chair next to me and move over to sit down at the table RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME so I was in his line of vision. As well as the smell 👎. & He seemed to enjoy PURPOSELY annoying me.  it seems like his INTENT was to purposely annoy me. 

Why won't library staff enforce the rules except against me.  Please just do your job. Enforce your own rules.