Sunday, September 20, 2015

If we could GET WORKING CLASS PEOPLE to treat people better we could TRANSFORM the world instantly

If we could GET WORKING CLASS PEOPLE to treat people better we could TRANSFORM the world instantly. It happens daily. All of us,apart from billionaires & some millionaires have to interact with working class people. We fill up gas & are forced to interact with the clerk when the credit card reader isn't working.We go to the grocery store & must pass by the checkout lady (or guy) if they don't have self-checkout..We go to events and have to get our ticket scanned,and go thru security check. We go to the airport & we have to pass thru the TSA. We need our cars worked on & have to deal with the office manager,or sometiimes directly with the mechanic. Sometimes we deal with the police.

All of these people have one thing in common: They are so-called "working class" or "blue collar" folk. They have taken jobs that require repeated similar interactions with people on a day-to-day basis that do not require creative thinking,originality,or any special or unique talents or skills,nor in general any special degrees (albeit of all these jobs I admire the true honest mechanic the most. They actually do have some unique skills that a lot of people cannot do).

And often times we are at their mercy,by-&-large,and they know it. We just want to get past them before they do or say something ignorant or disrespectful,intentionally or otherwise. Sure,they are given basic tips and maybe an hour or two of basic "hospitality skills" but its a rarity to find a place that truly emphasizes real hospitality. If you do find it,you usully have to pay for it.

And so we pass meekly past the clerk,cop,office manager,cashier,checkout person,etc hoping they will just give us our receipt,our citation,etc. and leave us in peace. At least not say anything subtly demeaning.but what we should really HOPE for is something truly INSPIRATIONAL. If they treated me according to the higher standard I know I can achieve, I would achieve it. But we tend to live up to peoples expectations.

Instead,They treat some of us who went to college & graduate school,achieving at the highest levels,as "average joes" or worse. In southen california it is actually purposeful. Its an agenda. It makes them feel better to put us down rather than build us up.And so we remain in a "average" status quo as a society because of the working class who refuse to allow society,as well as themselves, to truly excel.
